We are proud to be the top performing Primary School in Kent 2024!

School Uniform

The Governors and Staff prefer that children wear school uniform. We ask parents to support us in maintaining our high standards and to follow our uniform policy. 

School Uniform:
Green jumpers/sweatshirts/cardigans with school logo, grey or black skirts or grey or black trousers. White shirt, blouse or polo shirt.  Black or brown shoes. In the summer months a green gingham dress may be worn. School Book bag. 
P.E Kit:
Yellow Logo t-shirt, black or blue leggings or shorts. Joggers may be worn in the colder months. Plimsolls and trainers. 
Outdoor Learning:
We try and get outside, whatever the weather! We ask parents to supply appropriate waterproofs coats, wellies, sun hats, cream etc ensure the children are prepared for all weather conditions and so that we may make the most of our wonderful surroundings! 

How to purchase:
Most of our school uniform can be purchased from a range of online or high street retailers at an affordable cost. School logo items may be purchased directly from the school. Please contact the school office for an up-to-date price list.