Happy New Year! Applications for 2025 Primary School Places close 16th January. Get in touch if you would like a private tour of our school!

School Improvement Plan

"The learning never stops. There are always new things to discover, new ways to improve ourselves, and new challenges to face." Source Unknown. 
An effective school improvement plan results when all stakeholders work as a team to establish priorities, set goals for improvement, implement strategies to achieve those goals, and evaluate progress.
A unique plan, refined annually, defines a school's targeted work to raise achievement for all of its students.
At Stelling Minnis, we strive to continuously enhance our provision. 


Objective 1


Develop and maintain a robust and consistent approach to safeguarding throughout the school and wider school community including governors.

Objective 2


Ensure there is a fully trained, consistent governing body, supported by a well written SIP and up to date policies which reflect current practice, to monitor and challenge the developments of the school including the recruitment of a substantive Headteacher


Objective 3


Review and track attendance data and implement procedures to improve attendance and lateness


Objective 4


To develop the interior and exterior environment of the school to reflect the changing needs of the school community.

Objective 5


To raise the profile of the school in order to engage current families and to attract new families to the school

Objective 6

To review the current curriculum and develop improvements in line with current research and best practice

Objective 7

To ensure the high standards of teaching Maths and English continue amongst all current members of staff

Objective 8

Review current practice to ensure learning access and opportunities for all including those with SEND and those needing greater challenge.

Objective 9

To improve the well-being of children and staff through the development of policies and training to empower staff to confidently manage both day to day and more complex behaviours.

Objective 10

To ensure all staff are confident in the delivery of Understanding Christianity and improve the Christian Ethos of our school including embedding the role of Worship Leaders across year groups.