We are proud to be the top performing Primary School in Kent 2024!

School Improvement Plan

"The learning never stops. There are always new things to discover, new ways to improve ourselves, and new challenges to face." Source Unknown. 
An effective school improvement plan results when all stakeholders work as a team to establish priorities, set goals for improvement, implement strategies to achieve those goals, and evaluate progress.
A unique plan, refined annually, defines a school's targeted work to raise achievement for all of its students.
At Stelling Minnis, we strive to continuously enhance our provision. 

Key Objectives for 2024/2025

Objective 1


To improve attendance figures of whole school with a target of 95%

Objective 2


To ensure the Understanding Christianity Curriculum and RE Vision of the school is developed and embedded

Objective 3


To ensure that children’s needs are being met and all adults are skilled to meet those needs

Objective 4

Writing Curriculum

To develop the teaching of writing across the school with a focus on handwriting, composition and links to reading

Objective 5

Subject Leadership

To develop the foundation curriculum ensuring it is being taught consistently and effectively across the whole school