We are proud to be the top performing Primary School in Kent 2024!

Our Curriculum Overview

Our school exists to make each child into a shining star, so that they flourish personally, socially and academically; to be the best they can be, reflecting the light and love of Jesus Christ.

Our Curriculum has been designed so that all pupils develop in three areas:personally, socially and academically, in a way that creates individuals who are prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.

When we think about our curriculum, we include all the aspects of learning that are specific to our school, such as our outdoor learning opportunities, our extended provision including our sporting activities and clubs, and everyone modelling high standards of behaviour, nurturing and caring.

Our Curriculum is very specific to our school, so that as a small, rural, long-established primary school, we enhance the learning experiences of the children through activities that relate to the natural world such as outdoor learning; our use of the Minnis; the Minnis Run; Gardening Club; our Poly-tunnel and Eco committee.We also enhance learning through activities that relate to our particular history and location, such as our World War 2 study and our school location.

As a church school we develop children who can live out the school’s Christian values of Love, Respect and Perseverance in themselves, towards other people and throughout the world.This is done throughout the Curriculum, including opportunities to reflect personally (Reflection Garden), to support local charities (Charity Committee) and through links with the wider world (Rwamahano School in Uganda).

In our Curriculum, we focus on relevant subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding, as set out in the National Curriculum.The development of learning is planned and sequenced to build on prior knowledge and skills. Further opportunities for development are incorporated into activities outside the National Curriculum such as a residential trip for older pupils; sporting competitions andpupils supporting younger pupils as monitors. The Curriculum has the Christian values of Love, Respect and Perseverance running through the learning experiences provided for the children.

Our broad and balanced Curriculum gives all pupils an opportunity to shine in a wide range of areas, from Music to Sports, from leading worship to Forest School, from Maths to Outdoor Adventures.

Through the quality teaching of knowledge, skills and vocabulary across core and foundation subjects, all children will be encouraged to be inquisitive, compassionate, courageous, resilient and creative learners. They will develop positive behaviours towards learning and have opportunities to influence their own learning through age appropriate topics and themes. They will not be afraid of new challenges and will be keen to solve problems. They will be able to articulate clearly their feelings and opinions and defend those who cannot speak for themselves.

Our children will have a comprehensive set of skills, knowledge and understanding of Christian values to be prepared for the next steps in their education. This is demonstrated in the way that pupils transfer confidently to secondary school and then continue to flourish. They are prepared for the opportunities, challenges, responsibilities and experiences they will meet in the future.
Our Curriculum

As a school we recognise the importance of the key basic skills of Reading, Writing and Maths and these are given a high priority in the school. However we teach a broad and balanced curriculum that includes all the other subjects. We recognise that making cross-curricular links is one way of making the learning interesting and purposeful. Therefore, wherever possible, we will tie together individual subjects (with their specific knowledge and skills) with a theme that makes the curriculum interesting and fun. Themes vary from year to year and could be anything from ‘The Seaside’ to ‘Egyptians’. This is taught over a two year cycle as we have mixed age classes, so children experience Year A and Year B in any one class.

For more information about our curriculum see below, or email the school.

English and Maths
We follow the National Curriculum in England which includes a framework for teaching and progression for English and Maths. We use the 'Centre for Literacy in Primary Education' planning documents to support our teaching of English. Our English is therefore based round quality texts which are identified at the top of our curriculum map. We teach Maths using the 'mastery' approach and use the 'White Rose Maths' schemes to support our planning and teaching of Maths. For details follow the link below:

National Curriculum in England

We have been using the programme Letters and Sounds for our teaching of Phonics, however we have moved over to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds from the start of January 2022. This is given a high priority and dedicated daily teaching in the Early Years and Key Stage 1.

Reading Scheme
Our reading scheme is based on the Collins Big Cat reading scheme. Early reading focuses on phonically decodable books that the children can access using their phonic reading skills.

Early Year Foundation Stage
This follows the Statutory Framework. This is available at Early Year Foundation Stage Framework

This follows the Kent Agreed Syllabus for RE which incorporates Understanding Christianity.

We use the scheme Jigsaw across the whole school to teach our Personal, Social, Emotional and Health Education. This means that everyone is learning about same topics at the same time, at their own level. This incorporates the new guidance on Relationship and Sex Education.

Outdoor learning
This is integrated into the learning of all pupils across the school. There are varying opportunities for different year groups to access the outdoor environments to support their learning across the curriculum as well as offering nurture support to all. 

This is our chosen Modern Foreign Language and is taught to all of Key Stage 2.

The children are taught for one of their PE lessons each week by a secondary trained specialist PE teacher.

Other Subjects
For details of the other subject areas that we teach, please see the separate subject progression documents below.

We make sure our curriculum is accessible to all and complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND regulations 2014. See our Equality and Diversity Policy.

Curriculum Overview
Click the link below to find the curriculum overview for each class in one document. This overview links directly to the subject progression documents.